Computers for Sale

$20 Computers – Are you Kidding?

By Martin Jansen, Owner of Jansen-PCINFO

I currently have three desktop computers that I am willing to let go for $20 a piece.  Each of these computers have run Windows 7 in the past, but today the computers run the better OS, Linux Mint 21.1 Cinnamon.


The computers each have 6 GB of RAM and at least 240 GB of SSD storage, which is plenty to run Linux Mint without any issues.  Boot up times are very quick thanks to the SSD.

The two Dell Optiplex 3010s have an i3 processor, and come in small and ultra small form factors.  The HP Pavilion p6310f has an equivalent AMD Athlon II X4 processor in a full sized case.  I was able to keep the 1 TB drive in the HP desktop in addition to the SSD.

Each computer is in excellent condition.

I am throwing in a USB wireless adapter in the ultra small form factor 3010.


First up, the Dell Optiplex 3010 SFF with measures 4” x 16” x 14”:

It has multimedia inputs for SD cards and the like.

That’s a new Acer SSD

Next, the Dell Optiplex 3010 Ultra SFF measuring 3.5” x 12.5” x 11.5” with wireless adapter:

Unusual for computers of this age is HDMI output to drive monitors and suitable TVs.

Last but not least is the HP Pavilion p6310f measuring 7” x 16” x 15.5”:

The front panel has multimedia inputs and outputs.

Linux Mint Setup

I have each of these computers setup with generic user ids and passwords, which are labeled as in this example:

Additional personal ids and passwords are easily added.  LibreOffice, Firefox, Evince PDF Reader, Celluloid media player are just a few of the included applications.  Other applications are easily installed from the Software Manager or from web downloads.

What You Need

You need a monitor, mouse and keyboard to run Linux Mint.  I have a few extra mice and keyboards, but no extra monitors.

Internet access is a must for updates and software installs.  The Ultra SFF 3010 has a wireless adapter, but the other two computers need an ethernet cable connection.

Easy to Operate

Linux Mint is easy to operate, much like Windows 7 (IMHO Microsoft’s best OS) in menu design.  I will spend some time helping you learn Linux MInt.  I will also install TeamViewer for some remote learning.

Are ready to leave Microsoft’s endless hit and miss upgrades that take so long to apply?  Buy a Linux Mint computer and get ready for a whole new world.