By Martin Jansen, Owner of Jansen-PCINFO
Many open source software manufacturers are releasing self contained single file programs called AppImages. Some of the software available in AppImage for Linux Mint are: MuseScore for music composition, OpenShot video editor, Audacity audio editor and Krita for drawing.
All I do is download the file to the Desktop and change the permissions to executable. Here’s an image of the permissions in MuseScore:
No installation necessary, the program just works as expected. One problem though: The icon associated with the AppImage is just a gear – not inspiring at all. Here’s what the OpenShot AppImage looks like:
It’s not obvious how to change the gear icon into something more appealing. At least it wasn’t to me. I thought I would right click and go into properties looking under emblems, but that was very limited and only changed the icon a little like this one for Audacity:
The answer was indeed to go into properties under the Basic tag and click on the gear icon. I went to the Applications and saw hundreds of icons in alphabetical order. Scrolling down, I select the openshot icon:
I did have to refresh the screen by pressing down the F5 key before the icon changed to this:
It’s so much easier now to find the icon on my desktop. Function plus form, the best of both worlds.